Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Do you remember the big slide that Arden loved last year while we were on vacation?

She remembered it and could not wait to slide again this year. When we arrived at the slide Arden told me that she was going to slide all by herself because she was four. She didn't want anyone to go with her and she would do it all by herself.

With focused determination she climbed all the way to the top without looking back. Once at the top she yelled down that she was a little scare. I told her that she did it last year and she could do it. She leaned back and pushed off.

At the end of the ride she said that was enough but she did ride once more with her daddy. She told me that she only wanted to ride it once because it was very scarry and that she would do it again when she was five.

Later during the week she told me riding the slide was her favorite part of the vacation.

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