Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Me and My Duck

Arden has fallen in love with her duck. She really takes much better care of him than she does her dolls. Lately she has been feeding Duck. She will run in the kitchen with him in her arms and say "eat". She'll put the duck in her high chair and go over to the cabinets and ask for food. After he eats she will take him upstairs to go potty. I just have to be quick on my feet when she takes Duck to the potty because she would rather him set on the big potty rather than hers and the last thing I want to do is fish a duck out of my toilet. She is now getting her milk out of the fridge for him and giving him some milk. Tonight, Duck was put in the stroller for her to take on an after dinner walk.

Of course these are all things that I do with Arden during the day. It looks like I've been pretty good at keeping her in her routine that she's now repeating it to Duck.

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