Thursday, April 10, 2008

New Friends

Arden and I spent a lot of time at the park this afternoon (we were gone about 3 hours). Which is not anything unusual for us on a warm sunny day. We packed the stroller full of bubbles and balls and headed out.

She chased the ball and the bubbles around the field and laughed as she swung. A few children with their parents showed up and Arden immediately walked over to all the kids and said "hi" as they ran towards the play ground. There were 2 - 2yr old girls and a 4-yr old boy and and girl and they all wanted to play with Arden. They would help her get up if she fell, they would all slide down the slides together and they all crammed into the tunnel. At one point of them playing together they all held hands and ran around the sidewalk (which is a circle). Arden was laughing and enjoying herself so much.

She didn't want to leave but once she said good-bye to everyone...all the kids gave her a hug before she left. It was such a sweet day of play. I just wish that I would have taken my camera because I missed out on some great pictures. I just love warm spring days.

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