Friday, February 12, 2010

11 Months

Yesterday, Feb 11th Thomas turned 11 months old. He is growing more and more curious every day.

Here's what he's accomplished this month:

He's climbing stairs and wants to come down face first. We still working on him to turn around but he just forgets where he's heading and takes off in the other direction back either to his room or his sister's room.

He pulls up on everything. Everything.

He stands by himself for about 30 seconds to a minute.

He loves to eat. All solids. No baby food for this guy.

He still only have 5 teeth. 4 on the bottom, one on top.

He sleeps all night but only naps about 3 hours during the day (the complete opposite of his sister).

He smiles all the time.

He loves to be held.

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