Monday, August 25, 2008

Poison Ivy, Pinched Fingers and Paradise

My blogging has been terrible over the past couple of weeks but I do have some good excuses. About 2 weeks ago Dave and I both came down with a terrible case of poison ivy. I've never had poison ivy and it was terrible. I was able to fight mine off with out drugs but Dave had to take steroids for about 12 days before he found relief. Luckily Arden wasn't exposed to it.

Then last Friday I managed to slam my finger in our front door. It was terrible I thought I was going to pass out from the pain. Arden even knew that something was wrong because she sat on the couch beside me and "read" me all of her book and then took a 2 hour nap for me. I was very thankful for that. My finger is doing much better but still very tender a little over a week later.

And lastly we were at the beach last week. Dave and I were blessed this year to be able to go to the beach twice this summer. This is the first time we've done that and it was great. Both times we were with members of Dave's family.

I have so many pictures to share especially of Arden's birthday. Check back this week for great pictures. I promise to do better updating my blog this week.

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