Saturday, March 27, 2010

My Mommy

Last week Arden's school had a Mommy and Muffins Day. The kids sang songs and we wore fancy bonnets that the kids made for us. The biggest surprise was the questions they asked the kids about their Mom's.

Here's what Arden had to say.

My Mommy
My mommy is 50 years old.
She weighs 51 pounds and is 1 feet tall.
My mommy likes to wear her pretty dress.
She likes to cook pancakes and it tastes good.
She helps my daddy pick up the toys around the house.
Mommy always tells me to clean up my toys.
She likes to wash the sheets in her free time.
I like it when my mommy cooks.

I had a good laugh over these. I can't believe she thinks I'm 50! The others mother's kids thought they were 4 or 5. I guess 50 is the new 30! I also thought it was funny that she thought I liked to wash sheets in my free time.

A few months ago she spilt something on her clothes and she told me that it would be OK because I could just do some laundry so I told her that I don't like to do laundry in my free time. I guess she didn't hear me right.

1 comment:

Reminisce said...

this made me laugh! especially the part about washing sheets!