Thursday, October 2, 2008

All in A Day's Work

When my brother Eric got his golden retriever 7 years ago it was autumn when the leaves were falling. My brother would take the puppy and put him in the truck while he and my dad would clean up all of the leaves in the yard.

Since then Jackson loves on Saturdays to hang out in my dad's truck. He'll stay there all day until he is either given a treat or taken to the park for a walk.
Jackson is still getting used to sharing everything with Arden. On this particular Saturday morning he wanted in the truck like usual but this time he had to share with a very curious 2 year old. She loved playing with the controls and pretending to drive. Ever few minutes Arden and Jackson would switch places and he would "drive" while she was in the passenger seat.

Jackson enjoying 'working" alone.

Arden taking over the truck. Watch out I think she's getting ready to merge.

1 comment:

♥ Karen Luke ♥ said...

That is so cute! Hold on, she'll be getting her drivers license before you know it! =]