Thursday, October 30, 2008

Windy Hills

Today Arden and I met our women's bible study group at Windy Hill Orchards for a fun fall activity for our kids.

As soon as we got there Arden jumped up out of the car and headed straight towards the pumpkins and picked out one that she wanted. We hadn't even registered for our tour and she was already getting into it.
The tour started with instructions for the hour and then a walk through an apple tree/sunflower maze. Arden enjoyed running around the path.

After the maze we saw a demonstration of how apple cider is made and was told the story of Johnny Appleseed. The story was a little long for Arden so she decided to crawl on the narrow benches in the back. The little gymnast in her wanted to test her balance skills.

After the story we went on a hayride around the orchard. It was a pretty short ride but we stopped halfway through for the guide to show the kids the pigs and throw them some food.

After the hayride we made a life size scarecrow. For kids under the age of 5 they lost interest really quickly. So the moms ended up finishing it up. We were supposed to take it home with us but he looked so comfortable up against that bale of hay...we just couldn't take him home with us.

After building our scarecrow the kids could chose to go to the pumpkin patch and pick out a pumpkin or to go and pick out apples. Arden wanted a pumpkin. She walked into the patch and eyed the one she wanted, walked over, grabbed it and put it in her bag.

To finish the day we had homemade apple cider and dried apples. It was a great day. On our way home I asked Arden what the best part of the day was and she said the pigs.

She loved the little bag they gave them to carry their pumpkins home. The bag is just big enough for her small pumpkin and she thinks it's a purse. So she will not take it out of the bag and carries her pumpkin all through the house.

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