Saturday, February 23, 2008

Shower Musings

Today as I was taking a shower or as I like to refer to it my 5 minutes alone. I heard the following taking place outside the bathroom.

Dave: "Arden, where's the plastic piece you just had?"

Arden: lots of loud jibber-jabber and then the sound of little feet pitter-patting across the floor with lot of laughter.

Dave: "No Arden, that's not it. What did you do with it?"

Arden: Again enthusiastic jibber-jabber and her running to another area.

Dave: "No that's not it either. What did you do with it?"

This continued on the entire time I was in the shower. I have no idea what they were looking for and if they ever found it. It just made me laugh because I wasn't the person trying to figure what happened to what she had and I got to enjoy her mischievousness from a distance without having to do anything.

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