Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Life in the City

Today Arden and I headed uptown for lunch with Dave. Dave works 11am to 8 am today and has lunch at 3 pm. So that makes today a great day to meet him for lunch. The lunch traffic has already came and left and the rush hour has yet to start.

This was the first day in about 3 months since I've had Arden uptown and she took it all in her eye were wide with excitement and she just couldn't turn her head fast enough to take in all of the sights.

I also saw the city in a new way today, through the eyes of a child. I saw construction worker doing various jobs, business men and women in suit hustling down the streets. I saw tourist taking in the city and lots of cars and people.

The best part was when Arden saw Dave walk into her view she screamed and then she was so excited that she couldn't sit still. It was a nice change of pace for us to head into the city for lunch.

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