Thursday, March 6, 2008

What a Fun Day

Arden and I had a great day today. We started the morning off at bible study where I was able to spends some time with my friends and she was able to play upstairs with a few of her favorite kids her age. During lunch the kids headed outside for a picnic on the deck (it was gorgeous here today) and played out on the swing. Arden loved every minute of it. You could hear her laughter across the yard.

Afterwards we headed home and Arden took a very short nap while I worked and then we ran some errands. When we got home Arden helped me unload the car and put up items in the house. Arden is a great helper and enjoys going through the bags.

I made a great dinner with homemade peach salsa and I must say that it was very delicious. Arden and I ate dinner together for once. She even asked for broccoli which she normally doesn't eat. She really liked it tonight. So another great food to add to her list of things she likes. After dinner Arden entertained my family on the telephone.

I had to laugh so hard during her bath. As I was filling up the tub she threw in a bunch of her bath toys which when I put them in there she normally throws them right back out but tonight she was a little feisty in the tub. She was turning up her bath cups and pouring them out. Eventually she poured a cup right on her face and she looked at me and started laughing and did this until the bath was over. It was great to know that she's not going to cry when water gets in her face. The pool should be a lot of fun and hopefully I will be able to teach her some basic swimming techniques this summer.

Now I'm off to rest before tomorrow when she is ready to do it all over again.

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