Friday, March 21, 2008


I have been tagged by my friends Candice and Stephanie to provide 7 random facts about me. I really had to think about some things about me that are unique.

Here are the rules for both:
When tagged place the name of the person that tagged you and URL on your blog.
Write 7 random facts about yourself.
Name 7 bloggers that you are tagging.

1. I talk to myself out loud. Well its not that loud but to remember things or focus on something I will talk aloud to myself. I do it quite often expecailly when I'm trying to do more than 3 things at one time but I try to catch myself doing it in public.

2. I love change but hate the intial thought of having to change. Once I make the change I love it. I have a hard time letting go but once I do I love the feeling of changing things around.

3. I love shoes. I love shopping and trying on shoes. If I'm in a bad mood or having a rough day I can go try on shoes without even buying a pair and feel better. I have no idea why but I love shoes.

4. I often forget to take my cell phone with me. I think it's because I was on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for 8 years for my job. Now I know that I don't have to respond to an emergency and I just don't think about taking my phone with me.

5. I'm a news junkie. I like to know what's going on in the world and how effects me. I read the news online and like to watch the news at night. I like to have an educated opinion about the things going on around me. I also find in extremly important to know what is facing our city, state and nation and to vote accordingly.

6. I enjoy a good nap on Sunday afternoons after church. There is something about napping on the the day of rest that leaves me feeling refreshed and ready for the week.

7. I "watch" the Young and the Restless. Well I actually don't watch it because I don't have the time but I do read the daily updates online. I like to know what's going on in Genoa City. Not much has changed in the past 3o years but I still like to know what's happending.

I'm tagging:
1. Tim and Laura
2. Amy
3. Stephanie Carroll
4 .Kevin
5. Becca
6. Heather
7. Libba

1 comment:

Candice of 'The Beautiful Mess' said...

I so can relate to #4...when I left res life...I refused to carry my phone for like a week or two!