Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas is Almost Here!

This week has been a whirlwind. Dave is on vacation and things slow down and yet time speeds up while you are on vacation. Here are a few things we have enjoyed while he has been on vacation.

Sleeping in. Arden is usually our alarm clock but she has been sleeping in a little longer this week and it has been nice not to have to get up and get moving right away. I love that about vacations.

Arden loves to walk around in circles around something. Yesterday she learned how to sneak quietly up behind the chair and say BOO. It is so cute. She says it in her sweet little voice and then will start walking around the chair again and keep on doing it until she gets bored….which is usually after the 50th time.

We have just enjoyed walking around the mall. We finished our Christmas shopping last week and have really enjoyed walking around pointing out decorations to Arden and listening to her as she talks about what she see. I am also a huge people watcher and I love watching everyone hustling and bustling around the mall.

My friends Candice and Daniel. They are a great couple to hang out with and are just good people. They also love on Arden and really are an encouragement to us. If you are ever looking for a great photographer they have a business The Beautiful Mess. Try them out…I promise you will not be disappointed.

Family. Dave and I are looking forward to spending this Christmas with our family and soaking it all in. I can't wait to see Arden on Christmas morning.

1 comment:

Candice of 'The Beautiful Mess' said...

thanks lisa! we enjoy you guys too! hope you have a MERRY CHRISTmas! :)