Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The One Tree in the House

When God created Adam and Eve and put them in the garden of Eden he gave them one rule and that was not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Well right now we have a similar rule in our house...Do not touch the Christmas Tree.

The Christmas Tree has been up for over a week and Arden has done a great job of not touching the tree until tonight. Dave and I decided to decorate the tree while Arden napped so she would not see us touching the tree. It worked and for over a week but tonight she decided to see what would happen if she touched the tree. She got brave and reached out and grabbed a red ornament off of the tree. She will normally walk by the tree and look at it or point to it. She hasn't even really gotten close to it. I addressed her touching the tree and she left it alone the rest of the night.

Why do we struggle with limitations that are put on us for our own good? We all struggle with this. We want to set our own rules and make things about us to fulfill our selfish desires instead of doing what is best for us.

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