Tuesday, November 6, 2007

New Research on Preemies

Since Arden arrive during week 34 of my pregnancy I am always interested in new research on Preemies. I came across this interesting fact in the October 2007 issue of American Baby.

To avoid another preterm birth, progesterone is routinely given to pregnant women whose first baby was premature. Now, a small Italian study suggests that when a drug used to stop early labor is followed by twice-weekly progesterone shots -- in higher doses than commonly used moms-to-be who go into preterm labor are less likely to deliver early. In fact, only 16% of the 30 women who got the shots delivered before 37 weeks. This was the first study to test progesterone as a treatment for preterm labor rather than as a way to prevent it. While the result is promising, more research is needed. pg. 22

Isn't it amazing that part of cure for premature births may be a synthetic form of the natural hormone progesterone that is elevated during pregnancy. I stand in awe when I think of the complexity of our bodies and yet to know that God created us from dust. Wow!

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