Friday, November 2, 2007

One of My New Favorite Things

A couple of weeks ago Dave and I taught Arden how so say "please" in sign language. She picked it up right away and even added a cute little "pleaz" in her voice when she rubs her chest. Now she can say all done, please and more in sign language. Feeding her is much easier because she can tell us if she wants more or if she is finished. The hard part is that that she will ask please for something and we are trying to figure out what she wants.

Recently Arden and I were playing in the floor with her stacking cups and she looked up at me rubbing her chest saying "pleaz". I couldn't figure out what she wanted and so I asked her. "what do you want?" and she pointed to me. I said do you want me and she responded "pleaz". She crawled over and gave me a bear hug. Let me tell you it doesn't get any better than that.


Because of Love said...

Welcome to the blog world! I will add you to my list of must reads!

kevin said...

Hey Lisa! Glad you took the plunge into the blog world!

Candice of 'The Beautiful Mess' said...

so cute! arden's a doll!!!

glad you're blogging :).

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

You must be doing something right! Our oldest never wants a hug or a kiss...but he's a boy, so maybe that's why! LOL :) --John

Kelly H. said...

Hi Lisa! Glad you are blogging and thanks to Stephanie for linking you...Arden is a cutie! Hope you are doing well!